Lowel GL-1 Power LED Sun Gun
All Prices Shown are Excluding GST.
- Portable Battery-powered LED Head
- Removable Rechargeable Battery
- 82 mm Front Screw Thread
- AC or DC
- Locking Dimming Trigger
- Focusable Head
- Tripod Mounting Screw
- No-noise Cooling
The Lowel GL-1 Power LED is a powerful, handheld, focusable & dimmable, photo-quality tungsten color light. It was designed as an innovative tool for the Wedding/Event and location portrait still photographer. With high ISO cameras allowing them to shoot in lower light locations, the GL-1 puts just the right amount of light exactly where they need it. From up close, or at a distance. Its dimming & focusing versatility also makes it popular with architectural time-lapse light painting photographers.
- Dimmable w/o color shift
- Fresnel lens
- Focus Range €“ 8:1
- Photo-quality tungsten color
- Output comparable to 100W tungsten halogen lamp focused at same beam angle
- 2 ways of dimming:
Variable trigger Locked dimming wheel - Rechargable DC / external AC Power
- Aprox 1 hr full brightness per full battery charge
- Quiet diaphragm cooling
- Tripod mountable
- Lens accepts 82mm daylight correction filter
- Available Barndoor Accessory
- Supplied with auto-set AC adaptor and battery charger
Notes on GL-1 Power LED output:
€ All LEDs have higher output when first turned on, and most take aprox 20 minutes to stabilize to their consistant output (aprox 15% less). During this time, color remains stable.
€ Because GL-1 is used primarily in very short still-photo lighting bursts (10-15 seconds), its max. output in that context will be higher than after warmup time. The output chart is measured from a light that was just turned on. For stabilized output, deduct 15% from readings.