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About Us

When it comes to entertainment lighting, we’re guaranteed to deliver dramatic results.

Since Hugh Kenderdine opened the doors in 1959, our team has built up expertise and experience over a number of product and technology lifecycles.

The company grew from contracting and hireage of theatre lighting, to include importing and selling lighting equipment and components. We source the latest entertainment LED and control systems from local and overseas suppliers with a proven track record.

Kenderdine Electrical’s sister company, Professional Lighting Services Ltd, was born in 1984 when Hugh joined forces with Chris McKenzie to extend their offering to Film and TV customers. Chris was a gaffer who had honed his skills in Television Lighting at Networks in New Zealand and Australia. 

We offer lighting professionals expert design, training and access to high-end product solutions for a wide range of entertainment and architainment projects. We also have an extensive range of lighting equipment for sale and hire.

Our work includes the Auckland War Memorial Museum facade project of 400 LED fixtures, New Zealand’s seven-storey high Telecom Christmas trees and the Tree in the retail departure area of Auckland International Airport. We also programmed the innovative Newmarket train station Lantern Box project in Auckland, which won the 2010 New Zealand IES Lighting Design Excellence Award.

We are New Zealand agents for a large range of specialised entertainment lighting equipment manufacturers including GLP, ARRI, Rosco, Strand Lighting, Dedolight, Color Kinetics and Osram display optic and photographic lamps.