W-DMX Wireless DMX S-1 Indoor Tranceiver 512Ch
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W-DMX Wireless DMX S-1 Indoor Tranceiver 512Ch
The W-DMX BlackBox S-1 is a user-friendly single DMX universe transmitter with “One-Button-2-Go” technology. The S-1 transmits 512 channels DMX (one universe) wireless through the W-DMX technology that is proven to be safe, reliable and easy to use.
Multiple BlackBox S-1 transmitters can be used in close proximity as they can be set up so that they will not interfere with each other. The standard configuration uses 512 DMX channels; however, systems can be adapted to support up to 8,192 DMX channels (16 DMX512 universes).
W-DMX BlackBox S-1 can be used for both Multicasting and Point-to-Point systems. In a Multicast system, each DMX512 device has its own receiver, which negates the need for DMX512 cable as the entire system is wireless. In a Point-to-Point situation, W-DMX is used to ‘bridge’ a distance.
All W-DMX BlackBox S-1 units are delivered with multi purpose brackets for easy mounting and rigging, as well as standard 2 dBi rubber whip antenna. A multitude of other antenna options are available to increase the standard transmission range.
All W-DMX products uses the license free 2.45 GHz ISM band, and are certified for use in the Unitied States, Canada, Japan, and all European Union countries.
The W-DMX BlackBox S-1 uses FHSS, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, along with a number of other techniques to avoid interference and create a very reliable wireless link.