Dedolight Master Kit (4 Lights)
All prices shown are excluding GST
Dedolight KA 24M Master Kit, 4 Head s, Stands, Projection Lens, case
The light head of the Dedolight system is extremely compact yet with its dual-lens concept provides high light output. With a 150W lamp in the flood position, its light output is greater than a 300 watt Fresnel studio fixture. In the spot position, it equals or exceeds a 1000 watt Fresnel studio fixture. The inexpensive, specially designed lamps provide precision beam aim, coupled with long life expectancy.
This Master, 4 light, 600 total watt kit includes stands, barndoors, bulbs, clamp, flexible stand extension, accessory box, clamps, wall holder, and a hard, compartment divided case. Additional accessories include: Projection Attachment, Gobo Holder, Shutter Blades, Iris, for even more creative lighting effects.
- Projection Attachment with Lens
Allows precise control over the spread of the light, with the Iris and framing shutter blades. - Gobo Holder
Accepts Size "M" (66mm)steel gobos (available separately), for projecting patterns onto your background or subject. - Powering Options
The DLH4 offers a wide range of powering options - from battery to AC power with color temperature control. - Mirror
A high quality mirror reflects light through meniscus and condenser lenses, providing a much higher light output than would be expected. - Advanced Optical Design
Due to an advanced optical design, these heads create a flat, even bright light, with a narrow beam spread. - Clean Beam
Precision lighting by a clean beam. Practically no stray light. - Compact
The hard, compartmentalized case measures only 22.5 x 17 x 10.25" (57 x 43 x 26 cm).
4 x Universal Heads (DLH4)
4 x 1 Head Power Control Units, Cables (230V AC) (DT24-1E)
4 x 4-Leaf Barndoor Sets (DBD)
Projection Attachment with Lens (DP-1)
Framing Shutter Blades (DPFS)
Iris (DPIR)
Gobo Holder (DPGH)
4 x Gel Filter Holders (DFH)
4 x Light Shield Rings (DPLS)
4 x Light Stands (DST)
8 x 24V/150W Halogen Lamps (DL150)
Flexible Light Stand Extension (DSTFX)
2 x Plastic Accessory Boxes (DLBOX)
Lamphead Mounting Plate with 5/8" Stud and Arm (DH2)
2 x Clamps (CLAMP1)
Heavy Duty Transport Case (DCHD)